Monday, 26 September 2011

Happy Birthday, Hayato !!

The pink-haired guy, Aozora Hayato had a birthday not long ago, on September 15. He is one of 13 zodiac boys in Honeybee's Starry Sky otome games and anime. He represents Virgo. His seiyuu is Hirakawa Daisuke <333, hmm yummy XD. Honeybee uploaded Hayato's happy birthday wallpaper on the site. You can get them here if you're already missed the site's deadline. Enjoy ;D

Happy Birthday, Hayato !!

800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
1600 X 900

Friday, 9 September 2011

Starry☆Sky ~Zodiac Sign~ Vol. 02 Wallpaper

Honeybee released these wallpapers few weeks ago. These wallpapers are about the newest set of drama CD published by Honeybee titled Zodiac Sign Vol. 02 The presence of fellow. I think the wallpapers are so cute with Miyaji is in the front XD

Just for the convenience, I posted them here. Feel free to download them here and tell me what you think about these wallpapers C:

800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
1600 X 900

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Happy Birthday, Prince Hisahito !!

Japanese monarchy is the oldest monarch in the world and on September 6, Prince Hisahito of Japan has a special day. Today, the little prince turns 5. Prince Hisahito is the only prince in his generation and he would become an Emperor someday if there weren't any revolution or other big obstacles. If you want to know more about him, you can go here.

Japanese royal family

Found some pictures of the little prince.

kawaii :3
kawaii egao ^^
riding a tricycle
He's soooooo cute <333, isn't he!? Don't you agree!?

Happy Eid Mubarak !!

Finally, we reached the Holy Day after fasted during Ramadhan. So, I'd like to say 'HAPPY EID MUBARAK 1432 H !!' to all Muslims all over the world.

May Allah accept all our effort during the fasting month, always protect us and forgive our sins.

Minal Aidin Walfaidzin!!