Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Happy Birthday, Prince Hisahito !!

Japanese monarchy is the oldest monarch in the world and on September 6, Prince Hisahito of Japan has a special day. Today, the little prince turns 5. Prince Hisahito is the only prince in his generation and he would become an Emperor someday if there weren't any revolution or other big obstacles. If you want to know more about him, you can go here.

Japanese royal family

Found some pictures of the little prince.

kawaii :3
kawaii egao ^^
riding a tricycle
He's soooooo cute <333, isn't he!? Don't you agree!?


Ingmarie We said...

Yes, he he is very cute och looks so happy!

otsuki said...

@Ingmarie We: yeah, I totally agree with you. he's so cute and happy face suits him best :3